
Hello, its nice to have your here. This journey often gets lonely so thank you for stopping by. I hope with each reading Nathan grows a little bit on you. Hopefully with time, you will get to love him too

The hardest part about loosing a child is living everyday afterwards

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A New set of specialists

My husband and I made our way to the hospital and waited for the head pediatrician to update us on the reason why Nathan was leaving the NICU at our current hospital and be transferred over to the Children’s Hospital. It didn’t take long before an entire team came and joined us. In a matter…

We are moving

It’s my second day at the hospital and a hospital staff informs us that I’ve been discharged and we are expected to leave by noon. There had been no complications, my body was recuperating well so I’m expected to leave. But my baby is in the NICU, am I supposed to leave him? Yes, that’s…

Meeting the specialists

I was not expecting this. The worst case scenario I had pictured was a c-section. Nothing prepared me for what was unfolding. I remember watching countless tutorials on what to pack in my hospital bag, how to create a birth plan and what to expect. But there were no tutorial or videos of the multiple…

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